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Well, so far you have tried to see and learn about your potential working with the other across all the possible fields and companies that participate in the project. So here comes the moment that you need to take care of your own business and get ready to advertise what you can offer to your potential associates, clients or investors.


Here is what we start with.


Here is the information for the delegates.

passive voice


passive voice.jpg

time to practice

kahoot logo.jpg

for ZSB nr1, till 22.06, 6 pm, PIN 02502739


Remember that when you log in the game you have to give your nick and the first letter of your town.


Every participant will get as may points as he/she will get in the game. The winners will get additionally 5/3/1 shares for 1st/2nd/3rd place.




Krzeszowice: here is the link to your kahoot.

PIN: 05525974

The deadline is 14.03, 10 pm


Nawojowa: here is the link to your kahoot

PIN: 04846043

The deadline is 19.3, 10 pm

passive voice


time to practice


time to practice

How to promote your company, service or product

10 things to have


OBLIGATORY class project


social media advertising


Get in pairs. Prepare a post that you would like to publish on FAKEBOOK to advertise your company and your Super Product. Next time the investors will decide if they want to invest their money in your activities.






All the requirements are described in the special post in the News Board





If you are looking for any inspirations, click here


The best work in the class will be awarded with an E-coin called BESTSELLER


The deadline is:

G1 - 18th March, 6 p.m.,

G2 - 11th March, 6 p.m.



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