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And finally here comes the moment that you need to get familiar with the products or services which your company offers. For a start we will try to brainstorm for the Superproduct you could offer your potential customers. 


Here is what we start with.


Here is the information for the delegates.

What do we exactly do

in our jobs?

When filling the forms you have to write your email address with the nick.

TASK in class: obligatory


Company super product   



​​When filling the forms, you have had to think about the best possible super product which can be created in your profession. Now you need to be more specific and:


  • get in pairs 

  • use a template document to create a specific Super Product (click the writing hand icon), download it, start with writing your nicks and a letter of your town in the first box, and start completing it together with answers to the given questions






  • when your work is ready, re-name it (your nicks+town is a new name), save it and upload it in the folder of your Proxy. You will be evaluated only on what is done in a class.


3 best plans for the Super Product will get e-coin Perfect Planner Planner



TASK at home: optional


Socrative in the evening  sin 3



  • the task is optional, you can get extra 20 shares

  • the test is on the language from the 2 previous classes and contains language connected with:

    • company policies

    • a code of conduct

    • professional activities



G1 - 15 February 9:00 - 9:20 p.m

G2 - 25 January, 9:00 - 9:20 p.m



Socrative Room Names:


Ewa Piskorz: PISKORZ



Find out how to do this task in the NEWS BOARD section.


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