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One of the most difficult things you may have to do in your new job is to answer the phone. To feel more comfortable about it, you can find below some exercises to help you. 


Here is what we start with.


Here is the information for the delegates.



Imagine that you are an investor who has 15 000 ad-coins to invest in any Super Product of your choice. Here is the list.

formal vs. informal

how to prepare for a phone conversation



formal conversation

what do you remember from the conversation?

kahoot logo.jpg

for ZSB nr1, till 22.06, 6 pm, PIN 02086830


Remember that when you log in the game you have to give your nick and the first letter of your town.


Every participant will get as may points as he/she will get in the game. The winners will get additionally 5/3/1 shares for 1st/2nd/3rd place.



what are the typical topics of

business phone conversations:

let’s make a list

test yourself

at home

Customer Service Rep

optional project:


Your task is to prepare a recording of a phone conversation which is about the topic that Wheel Decide has chosen for you. Get in groups from 2 to 4 maximum. The phone conversation has to be recorded as a film in the mp4 format and sent to the Proxy. The minimum length is 2 minutes, the maximum 5 minutes. Any visual effects are warmly welcome! Please, pay attention to the sound quality as the recordings are going to be watched during the next class.


The 3 best works get the e-coin called AUDIOVISUAL INFLUENCER



The deadline is: G1 - 1 April, 6 p.m., G2 - 25 March, 6 p.m.



For more information go to the NEWSBOARD.




we'll decide

Zrzut ekranu 2019-03-31 o 19.07.10.png
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