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When you are already working in the company, you can learn a lot of things very quickly or fairly quickly. One of the most difficult things is to conduct a phone conversation, but there is something more difficult: automatic phone line when there is nobody on the other side. 


Here is what we start with.


Here is the information for the Delegates.



what if there is nobody on the other side?

what needs to be there?

If you are looking for the specific language structures that you can use in voice messages, go to the video in the News Board.

COGGLE mindmap instructions


Class task


automatic phone line



  • individually write a COGGLE mindmap with 4 options - one of them has to be funny, one of them has to be very automatic and two of them have to be developed into a conversation (min. 3 exchanges)

  • while working on your mindmap, share it with the Proxy who is ready to help you, prompt you and suggest anything you may need

  • you have to send the pdf copy of the map to the Delegate (your teacher) who will evaluate it and to the Proxy

  • only the work done in the class will be evaluated on:​

    • grammar - 2 shares max.

    • vocabulary - 2 shares max. 

    • humour - 1 shares max. 


There are no deadlines as the work needs to be done in the class. 

Here is what you need to have.






Optional task - COGGLE automatic phone line recording 10 shares

  • choose the partner you would like to work with

  • record your automatic phone line adding any additional sound effects

  • one of the connections needs to be developed into a short conversation

  • you have to send the recording of the automatic phone line (mp3 format) to the Proxy who will evaluate it

  • the best recording in the class will be given the e-coin called MINDMAP SOUND BLOWER



group 1 - 15 April, 6 p.m., group 2 - 15 April, 6 p.m.

Socrative in the Evening

SinE 4











1. go to Socrative, click the icon above

2. write in the room name; the room names are connected with your Proxies:


Socrative Room Names:


Ewa Piskorz: PISKORZ




3. go to ENTER YOUR NAME, and write in you nick and the city/school, for example: Crazy Builder, Tarnów/ZSE


group 1: 5 April, 9.00 p.m.

group 2: 29 March, 9.00 p.m.

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