My company:
the structure
Once you are accepted in a company, here comes the first day of work. You need to know who is who in a company where you are going to work. But not only who is who, but actually also what divisions, departments, or sections there are.
20 shares + 3 x PROLIFIC FOUNDER e-coin
form teams of three
describe a company of your dreams (include type of company, departments, people in the company, products/services it offers, levels of management, etc.)
include a secret word given to you by your Proxy (one group member should write an e-mail to the Proxy with a list of people in the group and the group will get a secret word by the return mail)
put the description on the special board:
three best works get PROLIFIC FOUNDER e-coin
Deadline: G1- 10 December, 6 p.m; G2 - 3 December, 6 p.m
if you are looking for some inspiration, click the button THE WORK SAMPLES below
For more information, go to the NEWS BOARD